This past weekend we went on the hunt for a perfect pumpkin. after MANY miles of travelling and two pumpkin patches later...we got to Burt's Farm and were WOWed by how many pumpkins and how many different kinds of pumpkins they had. Unfortunately we got there just before closing, so instead of looking for that perfect pumpkin, we took some shots of itty bitty Gavin. We may just have to try again another week. I'm loving the begining of fall. Leaves are starting to change, the crispness the air gets....ahhh...can't wait to bust out the scarves. Here are a few of Gavin (8 weeks) and us.
Six weeks...I'm a little late posting this. I'd like to say that I've been swamped, but truth is these past few days motherhood has been kicking my butt. Sleep is something I crave like none other, but I can't help but smile and fill with joy every moment I get to spend with Gavin. This week Gavin is sporting his custom made tie to match Daddy. Who knew a hat, some flowers, and a six week shoot could be so fun. A taste of this weeks photos:
A busy week...but I stole some time to take a few snaps of the little tike. He's growing like a week and was a total grump the day we took these...but still as lovable as ever. His first trip to the park.