Four weeks...we've made it four weeks (well a month today...but these are his four week photos). We took a quick trip to the beach...something I was afraid wouldn't happen this summer...and I'm so glad we did. Waking up before sunrise isn't a big deal any more...well at least for Gavin and I...Travis had a different opinion. ;) Here's a couple of our photos enjoying the salty ocean air.
Having recently moved...Travis and I are just now getting around to decorating the walls. One large wall is still blank...and I came up with the idea of having a portrait of each of us done ever season (or more often if I know me) that's cohesive. Finding these AWESOME sunglasses...we decided that this would be our first inspiration. Of course this was only taken with my iphone...I'll post the actual portraits once we get around to them. I encourage everyone to have fun with your family portraits.
The sweetest little boy that you ever did see...well at least his mother thinks so. :D I've decided to do a mini shoot of our little boy once a week. Just a few simple shots to see him grow...and grow he has. Three weeks out of the oven and he's already losing that "newborn" look. And did i mention he rolled over? At 20 days old!!! We've created a little monster.
I was mortified when I realized Gavin was two weeks old and we STILL didn't have a family portrait!!! But let me tell you, having a new born sucks the productivity right out of your day. So even though it was 105 out with about a MILLION percent humidity, we snapped a few quick shots of our little family. I hope you enjoy.
On July 30th, the most amazing gift was bestowed upon my husband and I. At 2:34 in the afternoon, Gavin Cooper Bischof entered this world with the most anticipated cry. Since then I think I shed more tears (most happy, others as a helpless new parent) than in my entire life. This past Friday, he turned one week old. After I popped a few pain meds, my husband and I braved the humidity and heat to capture our precious new born. Being the son of photographers, you would think he would be the ideal such luck. But I must admit, I would take how well behaved he is over a few "perfect" pictures. Though I'm hours behind on sleep, each time I hold our little boy I am more amazed and more humbled by this incredible gift God has graced us with. Here's a taste of our photo shoot.